Run a testnet node

Tewai Chain is a Bit.Country Metaverse Public Testnet. Tewai means "The Water" in Maori, and we aim to make Tewai Protocol become the most important substance for the metaverse and flows like water adjusting to any objects.

If you would like to support and be a part of the most important aspects of the future Metaverse, you can apply to become a Collator Node Operator to run the Tewai Protocol through our testnet and up to mainnet launch as a Parachain Collator.

Head into this section Run a node. Or if you simply wanted to accessing Bit.Country metaverse, click Access Bit.Country.

We give some special NFTs for Node Operators who participate in our Testnet. Check out detail below:

Run a node

Initial Set-up


The most common way for a beginner to run a validator is on a cloud server running Linux. You can choose whichever VPS provider (e.g AWS, Azure), or try running on your own local setup.

Standard Hardware Specs

  • CPU - 2.2 GHz 6-Core Intel Core i7

  • Storage - SSD - Should be reasonably sized to deal with blockchain growth. Starting around 10 GB - 80 GB will be okay for the first six months. Re-evaluating every six month

  • RAM - 8 Gb


AWS Medium EC2 instance with 30 GB Hard drive should be sufficient.

Running a Node as Collator Node Operator

There are two ways that you can run a node and connect to the Bit.Country Tewai Chain testnet.

  • Build from source (takes about 5 - 15 minutes with standard specs)

  • Use Docker

Building from source

Window users: please use this tutorial to setup your build environment.

Linux-based machine

Clone Metaverse Blockchain code

Go to Bit.Country repo, clone the repo from correct commit hash.

Clone the code locally

git clone

Change directory

cd Metaverse-Network

Select correct commit hash

git checkout bfece87795f3b4bd4be225989af2ed717fbf9f8c

Install Rust curl -sSf | sh

Initialize your Wasm Build environment rustup update nightly-2021-03-01 rustup update stable rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown --toolchain nightly-2021-03-01 rustup default nightly-2021-03-01

if file is not found, make sure you are currently inside the Metaverse-Network directory.

After initializing you can then start building by using the cargo command:

cargo build --release --features=with-bitcountry-runtime

In case your build fails, please use this command first:

sudo apt install cmake git clang libclang-dev build-essential

Once the build has finished you will have the node binary available in the target/release folder. You can start a node for Tewai Chain from the root of the directory like so:

FOR VALIDATORSIf you plan to run the validator node afterwards, you should add the --pruning archive key to the above command at the end

You should see your node begin to sync blocks.

Feel free to play around with the other available options, which you can inspect by executing:

./target/release/bitcountry-node --help

Then you can start bonding NUUM to become validator or nominator

Using Docker

We publish the latest version to the Docker Hub that can be pulled and ran locally to connect to the network. In order to do this first make sure that you have Docker installed locally. How to install and run Docker

Downloading the docker image

docker pull bitcountry/bitcountry-node:5f860f4

Running the docker image

You can test if the docker image is running by using the following command, but the node id and the chain data will be deleted after you shut down the docker container:

docker run bitcountry/bitcountry-node:5f860f4 --chain tewai

Now, it's time to set up your node to connect to Tewai Chain Bootnode, you need to choose which folder you would like to store your chain data. Ensure the folder exists and you have write permission for the folder.

Assuming the example path you want to use locally is path/to/tewaiDb/bitcountry-node, the command would be:

docker run --network=host -v /tewaiDb/bitcountry-node:/bitcountry-db bitcountry/bitcountry-node:5f860f4 -d /bitcountry-db --chain tewai --bootnodes /ip4/ --telemetry-url 'wss:// 0'


If you plan to run the validator node afterwards, you should add the --pruning archive key to the above command at the end

That's it, your node should be running and syncing with other nodes. Please note, if you want to participate in our Collator Node Operator application, please make sure your node id is permanent and has a high up-time. To continue to receive the reward - if you lose your data (by any chance) - then you can restore the secret_ed25519 inside your database folder that you set up above (e.g path/to/tewaiDb/bitcountry-node/network/secret_ed25519).

Make sure you back up the secret_ed25519 in the safe place.

You can apply to becoming a Collator via Bit.Country Collator Node Operator Program

Become a Validator - authority of producing block#

$NUUM on Tewai Chain Testnet is for testing purpose, it has no value or reflection of $NUUM on the public mainnet

Run the node as validator

Once your node from step 1 is fully synced then you can stop the node by pressing Control + C, and run the node again with --validator and --name arguments. Running from source

./target/release/bitcountry-node --chain tewai --validator --name 'your node name' --bootnodes /ip4/ --telemetry-url 'wss:// 0'

Running from docker docker run --restart=unless-stopped --network=host -v /tewaiDb/bitcountry-node:/bitcountry-db bitcountry/bitcountry-node:5f860f4 -d /bitcountry-db --chain tewai --validator --name 'your node name' --bootnodes /ip4/ --telemetry-url 'wss:// 0'


To run the validator node on a pre-synchronized database, you need to make sure that the synchronization command was run with the --pruning archive command line key

Running as a service [Unit] Description=Bit.Country Node [Service] User=root WorkingDirectory=/home/bitcountry/ ExecStart=$HOME/Bit-Country-Blockchain/target/release/bitcountry-node --chain tewai --validator --name 'PutYourNodeName' --bootnodes /ip4/ --telemetry-url 'wss:// 0' Restart=always RestartSec=3 [Install]

Running as a service (docker) [Unit] Description=Bit.Country Node After=docker.service Requires=docker.service [Service] User=root WorkingDirectory=/home/bitcountry/ ExecStart=/usr/bin/docker run --rm --network=host -v /home/bitcountry/bitcountry-node:/bitcountry-db bitcountry/bitcountry-node:5f860f4 -d /bitcountry-db --chain tewai --validator --name 'PutYourNodeName' --bootnodes /ip4/ --telemetry-url 'wss:// 0' Restart=always RestartSec=3 [Install]


Go to Tewai Chain Explorer

Bond the $NUUM of the Stash account. These $NUUM will be put at stake for the security of the network and could be slashed. Select the Controller. This is the account that will decide when to start or stop validating.

First, go to the Staking section. Click on "Account Actions", and then the "+ Stash" button.

Generate Session Keys

You need to tell the chain your Session keys by signing and submitting an extrinsic. This is what associates your validator node with your Controller account on Tewai Chain.

You can generate session keys on Tewai Explorer

CAUTION You need to change the node connection to YOUR validator node in order to use rpc author call**

Or you can perform an RPC query on the local host (on your node) to get the session key:

$ curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"id":1, "jsonrpc":"2.0", "method": "author_rotateKeys", "params":[]}' http://localhost:9933

Submitting the setKeys Transaction#

You need to tell the chain your Session keys by signing and submitting an extrinsic. This is what associates your validator with your Controller account.

Go to Staking > Account Actions, and click "Set Session Key" on the bonding account you generated earlier. Enter the output from author_rotateKeys in the field and click "Set Session Key".

Submit this extrinsic and you are now ready to start validating.


To verify that your node is live and synchronized, head to Telemetry and find your node. Note that this will show all nodes on the Bit.Country Tewai Chain network, which is why it is important to select a unique name!

If everything looks good, go ahead and click on "Validate" in Explorer UI.

Congratulations! If you have followed all of these steps, and been selected to be a part of the validator set, you are now running a Bit.Country Tewai Chain validator!

Last updated